Persuasive techniques for Pitching

Persuasive Techniques

One of the most important things to keep in mind when performing a pitch is that you are talking directly to a person.. This means that the success of the pitch correlates to how that person is addressed. Correct tone of voice, maintaining eye contact, and overall passion for the product is the key to a good pitch. It does not matter how good the product is, if you cannot convey how good the product is, then hardly anyone will even get to try it.

Another important aspect of a pitch is to keep it to a set time frame. A pitch that is too short may not have enough information, whereas a pitch that is too short may loose the interest of the audience. One of the more difficult tasks is to present the information in such a way as to make the viewer want to hear more, without leaving out important details.


Your Verbal Pitch

How To Pitch an Idea

Verbal/Writting Pitching

Verbal and Written Pitching

A Verbal Pitch

A verbal pitch refers to any pitch performed live in front of an audience. An essential part of a verbal pitch is to be enthusiastic in the presentation, by showing emotional investment, buyers are more likely to believe in your product. However, the pitch must also be succinct and to the point as possible. The main advantage a verbal pitch has over a written pitch is that a verbal pitch is more personal, and allows you to introduce both the product and yourself. The pitch should also be as visually appealing as possible.

A Written Pitch

A written pitch refers to any pitch sent in mail, email, or via phone to the recipient. As before, the pitch should also be as visually impressive as possible. It should also be short, the main punch line and an additional sentence or two. The advantage of a written pitch is that it gives both the producer and the recipient far more time leeway. Instead of having to arrange a date to meet up for the pitch, the author can create the written pitch anytime, and the recipient can view it at their leisure.


Potential Issues

There are many potential issues, both legal and ethical, when making a web-zine that must be considered.

Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. While this can last of several years, most copyrights usually last for a limited time, at the end of which the copyright has be be renewed. Some of the biggest threats to a web-zine is the potential copyright risks. A web-zine must work within the parameters of international copyright. This is especially important if the web-zine is profit based, as this can lead to court battles.

Discrimination can pose a severe ethical threat to any industry, web-zines included. Staff for the web-zine must be chosen via their merits, giving equal opportunities, regardless of race, gender, or sexuality. Additionally, the web-zine should avoid content that could be deemed offensive to a particular group, not only to appeal to a large number of people, but to help generate community.

For people to feel safe, a web-zine must give its visitors a promise of security and privacy. The Data Protection Act 1998 defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living people. It is the main piece of legislation that governs the protection of personal data in the UK. Our web-zine must respect the Data Protection Act, as any personal information not given with the owner’s permission can be held against the web-zine’s owner in a court of law.


Assignment 1

Assignment 1 taught us how to research data for a business related pitch. This assignment was difficult for me, as my group was smaller then the others (most were 6, ours was 3). I found that most of the information was pretty straightforward however, so the written work was a lot easier then expected.